Ancient Greece
Roman Republic
Roman Empire
Roman Provincial
All Coins Guaranteed Authentic for Life!
AUGUSTUS . 27 BC - AD 14 . AE As . SC - Senatus Consulto
AGRIPPA . Died 12 BC . AE As . Closest friend and right hand man of Augustus
TIBERIUS . AD 14-37 . AR Denarius . "Tribute Penny of the Bible"
AUGUSTUS . 27 BC - AD 14 . AR Denarius . Gaius & Lucius - Grandsons of Augustus
VESPASIAN . AD 69-79 . AE As . Aequitas, Goddes of Justice and Equality
AUGUSTUS . 27 BC - AD 14 . AR Denarius . Symbol of Julius Caesar's legions
NERO . AD 54-68 . AR Denarius . *Ex Huntington/American Numismatic Society*
OTHO . AD 69 . AR Denarius . Securitas . *Rarest of the Twelve Caesars*
CLAUDIUS . AD 41-54 . Quadrans . "Modius"