Ancient Greece
Roman Republic
Roman Empire
Roman Provincial
All Coins Guaranteed Authentic for Life!
TRAJAN . AD 98-117 . AE Sestertius . Felicitas
MARCUS AURELIUS . AD 161-180 . AE Dupondius . Pietas with children
ANTONINUS PIUS . AD 138-161 . AR Denarius . Clasped hands caduceus . *Pedigreed*
HADRIAN . AD 117-138 . AR Denarius . Concordia *Ex Cardinal Meisner Collection*
ANTONINUS PIUS . AD 138-161 . AR Denarius . Minerva . *interesting legend error*
TRAJAN . AD 98-117 . AR Denarius . Aequitas, Personification of Fairness
TRAJAN . AD 98-117 . AR Denarius . "Mourning Dacian" . Dacian War type
ANTONINUS PIUS . AD 138-161 . AR Denarius . DIVO PIO: posthumous memorial issue
TRAJAN . AD 98-117 . Dupondius . "Providentia"
FAUSTINA I . AD 138-140 . AR Denarius . Wife of Antoninus Pius
FAUSTINA I . AD 138-140 . AE As . Ceres, Goddess of Grain and Agriculture
FAUSTINA II . AD 161-175 . Denarius . "MATRI MAGNAE" . Scarce
FAUSTINA II . AD 161-175 . As . "Juno, Queen of the Gods"
LUCIUS VERUS . AD 161-169 . Denarius . "Mars, God of War"
LUCILLA . AD 164-169 . AR Denarius . "CONCORDIA" . Ex A.K. Collection
LUCILLA . AD 164-169 . Denarius . "VENVS VICTRIX" . Ex A.K. Collection