Ancient Greece
Roman Republic
Roman Empire
Roman Provincial
All Coins Guaranteed Authentic for Life!
VRBS ROMA, Rome City Commemorative . AD 330-346 . AE3 . Wolf suckling twins
VALENS . AD 364-378 . AE3 . Emperor dragging captive . Siscia
GRATIAN . AD 367-383 . AE2 . Woman kneeling before emperor
VICTORINUS, Usurper . AD 269-271 . AE Antoninianus . Pietas . Found in Norfolk
MAXIMIANUS . AD 286-305 . AE Follis . Genius standing . Heraclea mint
GALLIENUS . AD 253-268 . AE Antoninianus . Roma . *Pedigreed*
CLAUDIUS II GOTHICUS . AD 268-270 . AE Antoninianus . Genius
GALLIENUS . AD 253-268 . AE Antoninianus . Liberalitas
SALONINA . AD 254-268 . AE Antoninianus . Pudicitia
CRISPUS, Caesar . AD 317-326 . AE3 . PRINCIPIA IVVENTVTIS . Thessalonica
LICINIUS I . AD 308-324 . AE Follis . Jupiter standing . Antioch mint
CONSTANTIUS II . AD 337-361 . AE3 . Emperor in Galley with Victory . Siscia
VRBS ROMA, Rome City Commemorative . AD 330-346 . AE3 . Wolf suckling Twins
BYZANTINE EMPIRE . Justinian I, AD 527-565 . AE Decanummium (10 Nummi)
MYSIA, Kyzikos . 200-50 BC . AE 19 . Kore / Wreath
CLAUDIUS II GOTHICUS . AD 268-270 . AE Antoninianus . Consecratio . *Pedigreed*
TETRICUS II, Usurper . AD 273-274 . AE Antoninianus . Sacrificial Implements
JUDAEA, Alexander Jannaeus, 103-76 BC . AE Lepton . Widow's Mite of the Bible
SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS . MOESIA INFERIOR, Nicopolis ad Istrum. AE17. Club of Hercules
CONSTANS . AD 337-350 . AE4 . Two Victories . Trier mint . Ivy leaf symbol
CONSTANTIUS II . AD 337-361 . AE4 . Glory of the Army . Antioch mint
NABATAEAN KINGDOM . Rabbel II . AD 71-106 . AE18 . Coin of Ancient Petra
CONSTANTINE I . AD 306-337 . AE4 . Soldiers and Standard . Heraclea
CONSTANTIUS II . AD 337-361 . AE4 . Two Victories . Thessalonica mint
MAXENTIUS . AD 306-312 . AE Follis . Dioscuri . Ostia mint
JOVIAN . AD 363-364 . AE3 . Vota in wreath . Sirmium mint
VALENTINIAN II . AD 375-392 . AE4 . Victory dragging captive
BITHYNIA, Bithynion . 59 BC . AE24 . Dionysios / Roma . *Rare*
THEODOSIUS I . AD 379-395 . AE2 . REPARATIO REIPVB . Trier mint
GALLIENUS . AD 253-268 . AE Antoninianus . Sol . *Ex McQ. Holmes Collection*
CLAUDIUS II GOTHICUS . AD 268-270 . AE Antoninianus . Spes, Goddess of Hope
QUINTILLUS . AD 270 . AE Antoninianus . Fides . Budget example
CONSTANS . AD 337-350 . AE4 . Soldiers & Standard . "Glory of the Army"